& we're.






& cherx.
















& DAR/iinkx.




jia min

jing yi

kin ing

& we shout.

& we reminisce

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

& we listen.

& we thank.




image hosting

Monday, January 15, 2007

hey all how you guys doing.. sad thing.. this blog is dying.. well.. that's juz too bad.. =) post for all u like.. ask jy for the pw bahx..

zolal-ed at ; 7:21 PM

Sunday, December 24, 2006



zolal-ed at ; 10:12 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


*kin was here.. im a bad photographer.. i noe.. T.T

zolal-ed at ; 9:21 AM

faith 21 chalet...
firx day... met at tampines mrt at 11 am.. ain was late for 30mins.. so the guys got fed-up of waiting n went Long Johns' to eat.. and for the girls we waited.. wad else can we do..? after tt the girls went safra since the guys were eating and they didnt wanna play bowling.. soo.. that's all.. guys at lan girls at bowling.. blah-ness..
2pm.. suppose to meet at escape the entrance there.. the guys were late.. so girls plus chinky went to the food court to have lunch oso to wait.. main reason: anson forgot his underwear.. so joel accompany him go home take.. LOL. kaes.. after tt we went cheers.. buy finish some stuff then WALKed towards Aloha Loyang.. so freaking far can.. =D
after reaching.. mr chin said the chalet only until 10pm at night can on the air-con.. so stupid lar this rule.. hahas.. only one room can on it for whole day.. [cheap-skate chalet] after checking all the things in the chalet.. bad Saran.. anyhow say the fridge gt dead body.. -.-"' hahas.. then the guys plus mr chin went to play soccer and the girls stayed to play cards.. after a while then go and find the guys.. they were playing with other guys [dunnoe one and older guys].. soo the result is we won.. weex.. of course.. =D.. then faizal his sole the skin drop off.. so gross.. -.-
went back chalet again.. the guys went swimming.. the Ezb food arrived.. then gina ee hui ain went with mr chin to go buy drinks.. then saw khup.. so fetch him at the same time oso.. left kin saran and clara in the chalet.. so we filled up the water bombs..
the people came back.. watch-ED scary movie 3.. ain went home a while after tt.. the bbq started.. joel set up the fire.. saran and joel in charge of bbq-ing the food.. and louis the 'satay' man.. hahas.. the rest of us.. in charge of eating the food.. =D.. watch PCK.. then the channel 8 show.. hten C.S.I. Miami.. the guys disappear halfway.. 11 plus kin and gina went off..
second day.. most of the ppl staying overnight were playing cards the whole night thru.. so saran look freaking tired.. clara sleeping in the room and ee hui on the sofa.. the guys.. look energetic like nthg happen.. hahas.. 8 plus.. we all left the chalet.. [time to check-out] couldnt wake ee hui up..after eating breakfast the guys go lan.. then girls go home.. tt's all..
*the chalet so short.. like nthg liddat..

zolal-ed at ; 8:55 AM

Monday, December 04, 2006

HEY.. tmr's the day..! err.. juz a reminder..

for the others / everyone:
  • bring money
    ($10 or more ; plus $8 for those havent pay..)

for not staying overnight:
  • at least 1 extra set of clothings to change

for those staying overnight:
  • 3 sets of clothings
    (muz have 3 t-shirts)
  • wear shoes bring slippers there or vice-versa
  • bring ur own personal stuffs
    (eg. towels, shower gels, toothbrush etc.)
  • handphone charger, mp3 and wadever
    (takkaire of them urself.. once lost considered lost.. hahas.. )

zolal-ed at ; 10:39 AM

Monday, November 27, 2006

wdv.. ok.. urm.. today 27 Nov liaox.. so can u guys tell me or saran whether u going for FAITH21'o6 chalet? thanks soo much.. =D
*kin was here..

zolal-ed at ; 11:30 AM

Saturday, November 18, 2006

bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored
bored bored bored bored bored bored

zolal-ed at ; 9:46 PM

iits so bored !
*kin was here

zolal-ed at ; 9:41 PM

To : Bitchy ZOE aka Zygote Of Evil
Yo .. disgusting zoe .. its mi agin ! ok .. 5 mins for u .. aren't i kind ? spare u 5 mins of the 1440mins in a day .. i hope u appericate that ! ok .. last night .. we talked bout ur fucken hair .. now to ur eyes ~! althought i never saw ur eyes b4 .. (*cause ur face too disgusting .. later i vomit ..) but i just know .. its (5words) A-W-F-U-L ! AWFUL ! thats right ! Awful is the word to describe ur eyes . erms .. u know kane ? i doubt u know him .. u go to wwe.com .. and search "kane" .. look at his eyes .. its like without the pupil ? i dunno .. but i think u have tt type of eyes .. isn't it ? i think 5 mins almost up .. so .. till tml .. HAAHA

From one of ur worst nightmare:

zolal-ed at ; 9:30 PM

DARYL.. u ITCHY HANDS!!! ... lols. haishx..
*kin was here

zolal-ed at ; 8:58 PM

zoe .. u stupid ugly MF bitch .. disgrace to us girls.. wat the -toooot- .. =D
*kin was here .. zoe u stinkox

zolal-ed at ; 1:49 PM

'sup ppl..wait up a sec.. i think chee seng don't even want zoe larx..! ugh!!.. PUKING RIGHT NOW..!! hahas.. this one then is i write one.. =D
*kin was here..

zolal-ed at ; 1:48 PM

Friday, November 17, 2006

zoe you stupid bitch.. disgrace to we girls..
*kin was here.. zoe u stinko

zolal-ed at ; 10:52 PM

wait wait wait.. i think even chee seng dont wan u!!
*kin was here

zolal-ed at ; 10:48 PM

hey zoe ! go suck chee seng's dick .. you're the onli one suitable to suck his dick .. cause no girls or gays would suck chee seng's dick except you .. bitch !

zolal-ed at ; 10:40 PM

hey .. on the chalet .. NO SLEEPING ! not even a doze or nap .. cause 16-17 hours is all we have at the bungalow .. (if we don't sleep) ~

zolal-ed at ; 10:36 PM

To: Bitchy ZOE aka Zygote of Evil
hey zoe .. u suck ! u pissed mi off .. u disgusting bitch .. i'll be glad if u read wad i've post ! ur hair's disgusting u know !!? its no difference as louis ' mum' .. lol .. ( the shortie hu looked at khup, louis, and my back numbers of our soccer jerseys and said "lack of a no. to buy 4d ..." =.= ... the dish-collector from the hawker centre la.. ) hey zoe .. u go compare ur hair and wid tt auntie's hair .. wads the differance .. !!?? no differance actually .. but yours is worst ! i wonder how ur parents looked like .. same as u ? or worst than u ? god bless i dun meet them out in the streets .. u too ! old hagged crazy ugly bitchy witchy litch ! hohoho... wait .. anybody have 10 1 cents coins .. i would like to change wid ya .. i need to give zoe 1 cent to get herself a new face .. plus a body .. go apply for a package at jean yip zoe ~ .. ! WAIT ! i've bet jean yip don't want to serve u .. cause u're too ugly and fat to be treated .. Fucken zoe .. that's all .. i've more to say .. but i dun wana waste my fucken time on writing bad things on u ! wasting my 5 mins everyday is all i have for u so wait till tml ..

From 1 or ur worst nightmare :

zolal-ed at ; 10:18 PM